Writing Has Been My Life-Saver

Without being able to express my thoughts and feelings, I’m not sure how I would have remained sane.

2 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni (Pexels)

In the past, I’ve been unsure of myself as a mother, as a sibling, and a daughter. I have spent decades trying to figure out who I was or where I belonged.

I have always had friends but as I would take time to think things through, other than a handful of friends who I grew up with, others wouldn’t recognize my gift until after halfway getting to know me.

With this, I mean, some had to see if they wanted to befriend me. I found this to be true, at times, after being a part of friendships, so many would say, “I should have been friends with you a long time ago.” or “I had no idea you were this cool.” So, how am I to take that.

I have wondered, did I put people off? Couldn’t be because I am an extrovert. Was it my plain appearance? Never wore makeup, except a little lipstick, never added hair to my own, yet did have a relaxer back then, unlike my natural crown you’d see today. I just felt, unbeknownst to others, alone or the one who was chosen last to be on the team because I was the only one left, in many instances.

Writing saved me.

